Misadventures of a newlywed is probably my favorite blog in the world and to make her even better she is having a giveaway!! Go check her out!!!!!!
January 29, 2009
Great Giveaway!!
Misadventures of a newlywed is probably my favorite blog in the world and to make her even better she is having a giveaway!! Go check her out!!!!!!
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/29/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
January 28, 2009
I _______
I saw this over at Kori's and wanted something to pass the time by.
I live: in the same house I did growing up.
I work: constantly on cleaning the house.
I smell: nothing at the moment.
I listen: better than I talk.
I hide: the remote from Regan.
I walk: my dog,now that we have a new one.
I write: checks to pay bills, constantly
I see: Elmo all day in some shape,form or fashion.
I sing: badly.
I can: tell you some things about Down Syndrome.
I watch: American Idol.
I daydream: about life with two kids.
I want: life to be easier for my sweet boy.
I cry: when I have to hold my child down for some dental work,like yesterday
I read: lots of books.
I love: the thought of growing old with the people I love
I rode: with Regan on his first roller coaster.
I sometimes: forget to tell my hubby how much he means to me.
I fear: what will happen to Regan when Ricky and I are gone.
I hope: that it actually snows next week!!!!
I eat: less than I used to.
I drink: a lot of sweet tea.
I play: cars and ball ALL DAY!!
I miss: working sometimes.
I forgive: but never forget and won't put myself back into the situation again.
I drive: a silver gas saver
I lost: my cell phone. AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I dream: about crazy things lately.
I kiss: Ricky before work every day.
I hug: rarely, I'm just not a hug person.
I have: a desire for more kids.
I remember: less than I should.
I don't: enjoy worrying about my child's future.
I believe: one day my prayers will be answered.
I owe: only for my car and house.
I know: that soon my car will be paid for!!!
I hate: that my hubby doesn't get everything he wants when he wants it.
I wish: for a vacation with my loves.
I wear: two size smaller pants than I did last year at this time.
My ex: told me over and over his car was his first love.
Maybe I should: be getting ready.
People would say that I'm: I don't know what would you say?
I don't understand: but I have to believe there is a reason.
Life is full of: experiences you just have to want to experience it.
My past is: over and done with.
I get annoyed when: people use the "R" word around me or my child.
Parties are: a thing of the past, but funny memories.
Tomorrow: will be Friday and Regan has therapy.
Never in my life have I: been able to make a paper airplane.
When I was younger, I: cheered constantly.
When I'm nervous: I chew on my mouth.
When I was 5: my dad put me on a pink dress and red tights for picture day. (My mom was sick)
My life is not complete without: some daily laughs from Regan.
If you visit my hometown: your really bored.
The world could do without: steak.
If I ever go back to school: it will be for elementary education.
And, by the way: you should do this too.I would love to read it.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/28/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
Labels: survey
Prayers for RJ
I'm asking for prayers for our dear friends The Kirby's! Donnell and Ricky have been friends since they were young. We always have such a good time hanging out with their family. Lyndsey and Donnell along with Ariel and RJ live in Georgia but Lyndsey and the kids are in Louisiana visiting with her family. Baby RJ has been put in the hospital and is in need of our prayers. He seems to be having some sort of respiratory problems.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/28/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
January 27, 2009
I refuse to believe that my child will
~Never be able to cook his own meal
~Never know how to use a measuring cup
~Never be able to balance a checkbook
~Never have the joy of having his own place
~Never get the chance to travel without an aide
~Never get to hold a job
~Never get to make decisions for himself
~Never know how how to change a flat tire
~Never know you how to operate a washing machine
~Never know how to use a computer
~Never know how to read above a 1st grade level
~Never be able to do long division
These things among others have been in a book I've been reading lately. I will not limit my child to doing less than I believe he can and will do. Some things might take longer but, to be told that he won't be able to do these things won't work for me. I hope that no parents put limits on their child because of something in these books that are supposed to help parents. Helpful things would to be not to limit your child in any shape, form or fashion.
I'm tossing this book.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/27/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
Labels: rant, Regan, What the crap
Sign says...
In our house we use a good bit of sign language. Regan uses total communication, a mix of sign language and verbal communication. Since we began using signs with him before his first birthday we have picked up a 100+ signs. We have learned these signs from different places and so I thought I would link to some of the for you.
ASL dictionary~ This site is just like a dictionary with pictures of each step of the sign. Its my favorite
Signing Time~ This site grows all the time. It has entertaining videos to teach signing to kids but is good even for adults. Rachel has two daughters that have special needs
Fun Brain~ A fun way to test older kids the letters and numbers signs
ASL PRO~ This site is just like the dictionary above just with video of how to do the sign.
These are the ones that I turn to when trying to teach us a new sign. Go see them I bet you will enjoy another form of communication with your family.
*I do not work or profit from any of the websites listed above other than learning a language to help communicate with my son.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/27/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
Labels: just because, sign language, signingtime, total communication
January 26, 2009
Things I want...
I've been doing some online shopping since it's the week of payday we are on the broke side of the bank. Just wanted to share my wants with the world in case one might want to buy me something.
I think that this item is on my list to have for Ozzie before football season.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/26/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
January 25, 2009
Our sweet Boo disappeared almost two weeks ago. I have had Boo for 8 years. She was a wonderful dog and we still don't know what happened to her.
Ricky has known how much it affected me that my little girl was gone and so we have been looking for a new dog to add to our family. Its been a challenge trying to find an inside dog. But we have a new addition to our family now! Meet Ozzie!!!
He is a 4 1/2 month old Shi Tzu and is an absolute doll! I am so excited to have a little shadow everywhere I go!!!
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/25/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
January 23, 2009
3months ago today...
I can't believe its been 3months and 1 day since I lost my sweet baby. Its been a long 3months and we still have a lot of healing to do. I am passing on going to the baby shower tomorrow. My mom and MIL have both assured me that its ok. I feel so bad that I can't yet deal with it but they were both super about it. I did manage to go into the baby department and pick up some gifts. I cried but at least I made it. That has to be a step in a good direction. I've talked to some other mommies of angels and know that they still have times even 10 years down the road when they think about what should of been.
I'm thankful for the chance to see this part of life. I would have never known exactly what others felt. Its not been a good place but a place that has taught me about grief, hurt,anger,and love. I never knew you could love someone that you never got to meet, someone who was smaller than your fist, I never knew someone like that could make a huge impact on a life. But she has and I'm on a different path now because of her.
I hope to be moving ahead with my life, getting my self to see the positive things and enjoying every minute I have with my wonderful husband and son.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/23/2009 1 people actually cared enough to comment on this
January 20, 2009
The dog hunt
I'm having a hard time tonight. We have been looking for a dog to add to our little family. Ricky and I both want an inside dog. We found a dog that we were super excited about. I have been emailing the lady back and forth all day but now that I've gone back to look at it again tonight she has taken the dog off the list. She was telling me to fill the papers out ASAP and she would call me as soon as she got them. I sent them back she said she got them and then that was all. NO email, phone call or anything. I'm hoping that its not because of us having Regan but in my gut I feel like it might be. Oh, well hopefully we will hear back tomorrow. We really want a dog in our little family. If that wasn't the dog for us maybe one will find us!!
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/20/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
Labels: dog adoption
January 18, 2009
Pray For Harper
Just wanted to ask for some prayers for Harper! Her mom blogs at kellyskorner. She and her hubby welcomed Harper into the world this weekend. Harper is having some trouble and they all need our prayers.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/18/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
January 16, 2009
Unpaid tickets = a free ride to Maine
According to the State Troopers office today my dear sweet husband has been to Maine, had speeding tickets and not paid them. He can't get his license renewed. Seems he might just be in some trouble with the law. Umm What?????
Ricky went to renew his license today and was told at the commission office that he can't get a license due to unpaid tickets in Maine. This upsets him one because he has never had a ticket or been past North Carolina. We had to go to the state troopers office and I'm preparing the whole time for Ricky to be arrested on the spot and shipped off to freeze in Maine. It appears that some one with the name Joseph R. Heath with a date of birth 12/15 has some unpaid tickets. Ricky J. Heath with a date of birth of 12/15 does not.
Ricky wants to go to Maine just not in the backseat of a police cruiser.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/16/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
Labels: another day in the Heath house, unpaid tickets, What the crap
Baby shower blues
A member of Ricky's family is having a baby. She and her hubby weren't sure that they would be able to ever have children so this is exciting news for them. I'm just not sure if I can handle going to the baby shower. I've been trying to tell myself that everything will be just fine but I can't make myself believe it,yet.
I should be 22-23 weeks pregnant right now. I should of found out what the baby was the week before Christmas. I should be getting my babies room ready, putting pink everywhere. I should be worrying about swollen ankles and bladder issues, I should be letting Regan feel his sister moving, buying my double stroller, new baby smelling stuff But I'm not and I still have some major issues with it. I can't even go into the baby department at Wal-M*rt yet. Ricky has to go in there and get the diapers for Regan. I just can't. I will turn around and retrace my steps before walking past that instant cry fest. When people ask when we are adding to our family it almost kills me. Especially when its our immediate family that should know the pain that we have been through just to get pregnant and after losing our precious little one.
I'm still dealing with issues of the miscarriage. I've been up since 4am because I dreamed about her again. (Yes I've said it 3 times a her, Things that were said to me after my d&c made me know that it was a girl just like I thought.) I'm just wondering where I get the strength to be able to move past this and share in the excitement of other pregnant people. I just don't have it yet.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/16/2009 1 people actually cared enough to comment on this
Labels: baby blues
January 15, 2009
If you want to buy me something...
I would very much like to have these...
You can find these lovely items here Vera Bradley
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/15/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
January 14, 2009
What we watch
Oh how happy I am that you are back to fill in my nights. I'm excited about the fourth judge. I think that Kara DioGardi will be a good mix. She certainly had no trouble speaking her opinion about a certain girl in a bikini that I hope is the first to go! Anyway it should be a interesting season.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/14/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
January 9, 2009
Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
I wanted to pass this information along.
Seems that on 02/10/2009 it will be illegal to sell items for children under 12 that have not been tested for lead. That includes clothing, toys, electronics and any other child item. That means that thrift stores will not be able to sell these items unless they pay the 200.00-12,000.00 per item to be tested for lead. It also means that reselling these items on ebay, craigslist, at consignment stores and yard sales will be illegal unless you have had them tested. This will put many small business out of work increasing the unemployment rate which is already at 7.2%. What will we be doing with all these items? Throwing them away?? That adds to the amount in the landfills and think about that on the environment!!!!!
I buy lots of clothes for Regan at thrift stores.
Go look up the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act): and see for yourself. I'm stunned and heading to the thrift store to stock up while I can!!!!!
***edited*** I just found a website that states that this will only apply to new toys made after Feb.10. Yea!!! I'm so glad that this won't be messing with my thrift store shopping.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/09/2009 1 people actually cared enough to comment on this
Labels: consumer product safety improvement act, omg, What the crap
January 8, 2009
National Championship Tonight
Tonight I will be cheering on these guys.....
Why? Because they are a part of this wonderful conference...
And because face it ladies........................ This isn't too bad to stare at for 3 hours
I'll be Chomping with hubby, Michael and my Regan tonight. Wish you were here Candice I could use some help admiring some wonderful Gator tail tonight!!!
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/08/2009 0 people actually cared enough to comment on this
January 7, 2009
Taking back my previous post.
I know I said that I was ending this blog but sometimes people just need a place to vent. This is mine. When no one gets me at least I can type it out.
Infertility stinks.... I am so tired of all the ups and downs of it. After I lost the baby we decided not to take any time off from trying. I did and still do have some issues to deal with from the loss but I really want to add to our family. So I insisted that we just keep trying. Six weeks after my d&c I started, Yippee!! That's typical!! I was so excited. Now 6 weeks later I'm still waiting for another period. I have taken 8 pregnancy test but they are all negative. I talked with the ob/gyn office and they said not to worry about it till i have missed a few periods. Which could be a year or so for me. I only have 3 a year usually. My body is really messed up after having Regan. June will be here before we know it and that will be three years of trying. UGH!! I'm so tired of all of this. Maybe we aren't supposed to have another baby? I just don't know.
We have talked about adoption and even started getting some paper work sent to us. Ricky is worried about how our family will take the idea of adoption. I really don't care what they think but this is something we have to be on the same page about so that is once again dropped.
I have been asked by so many people who know that we had a loss about when we will be adding to our family. I DON'T KNOW!! That's what I want to scream. I check my temps, CM, cervical position and use OPK's to see when and if I have ovulated. I take awful medicine that makes me sick, crabby and makes my blood sugars drop constantly all for nothing. I just feel like a failure all the time. It seem so unfair that people that abuse and mistreat their kids can have another at a drop of a hat and here we are struggling to have another.
Okay enough of my pity party for myself. Barney is almost off so it will be time to play again!
Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we deal with these issues.
Dreamed up by Kay at 1/07/2009 1 people actually cared enough to comment on this
Labels: infertility stinks