July 27, 2009

mumble jumble

First off, Stellan! I have written about him before he is again in SVT and has been for days now. The doctor told his mom today that things were bad! This little boy has won over thousands of people and my heart just breaks for their entire family.

Today is Regan's last day at the UCP center!! I can't even think about it without crying. I can't even begin to tell you what they have meant to our little family. I know Regan is going to miss going and seeing his friends. He gets excited when we pull up and signs and says PLAY! It's been a wonderful three years!!

Nose bleeds at 7am are no fun! I immediately thought my blood pressure was up but I checked it and it wasn't. 120/80! So maybe just the hormones? maybe Regan punched me? Who knows.

All the baby clothes are washed! I have washed all the newborn-6 month clothes I have, I think. Kollyn should be good on clothes! We might need some 3-6 stuff just depending on how cold it gets and how long it stays cold. I'm very excited that his room is coming together and I have pictures to post, but I'm waiting till its done to post all of them.

See the title of this post was right! Just a mumble jumble of things. Anyway time to get busy in the Heath house.

1 people actually cared enough to comment on this:

regansbamafanmawmawpawpawuncr said...

hi my babies i cant wait till baby kollyn is here either i love him and his big brother regan they are mawmaw and pawpaws life we love them so much take care of yourself we love all of ya so much thank God for ya God bless ya roll tide roll