September 8, 2009

Menu and more

This weekend was an up and down weekend for us. A teacher,neighbor,friend passed away over the weekend. Our little neighborhood has been very quiet. Last night a bunch of the girls were outside playing volleyball and it was such a relief to hear their laughter. We had some people over for the game Saturday night. Then Sunday we had my brother and his wife over for supper and then we made a fire and roasted marshmallows and chatted. Regan was with the grandparents and so we then went to my brothers and played Wii for hours. I had to be up at 5 yesterday morning to go shopping after only sleeping about 3 hours but Mom and I had fun just hanging out together.

I love three day weekend because then I really only worry about meals for 4 nights. This weeks menu is:

Tuesday~ Pizza We bought two yesterday and have an entire pizza left over
Wednesday~ Red beans and Rice with Turkey sausage~ because Ricky loves it
Thursday~Grilled Chicken Salads
Friday~ Out to eat
Saturday~ Buffalo chicken sandwiches~ My favorite football food

Have a good short week!

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